change is good
hello friends!
time for a return to the blog - better late than never right? as I write, I am back in my hometown, enjoying a nice break from the college life! this semester was a tough one, but great friends, fun times, and keeping my future goals in mind helped make it all worthwhile. now, it’s nearly 2023, and like many of you all, I am thinking, what lesson did I get out of this year? there’s so many things that I experienced, and so many lessons that I learned, but if I had to choose one thing to fully embody in 2023, I’d choose this - change is good.
this is a seemingly simple statement, but it carries a lot of weight. I recently read a quote from the artist morgan harper nichols, which states, “change will continue to find you here… and yet you will only grow in your ability to engage in the rhythm and flow of life.” this is so beautiful, and couldn’t be more true. change is something that comes in all shapes, sizes, and forms, and is something that is often looked at as negative. if a group of people were asked, “do you like change?”, I’m sure that more than half would say no, some going as far as saying that they hate it. at one point, I was definitely one of those people, because I thought that change was a threat to what was stable in my life, what seemed good enough. why would I want to jeopardize that and adapt to something new? this was something that I struggled with at the end of the summer, as I prepared to go back to school. it had felt like I had just gotten comfortable back home, and I was anxious about having new courses, going back to work, etc. little did I know that this semester, full of change, would bring me some of the greatest opportunities yet! I got to reconnect with old friends, travel to Chicago with a national organization that means so much to me (check out my prior blog!!), start a new job, and so much more. throughout this year, the things that I was facing didn’t get any easier or more familiar before they happened, but my outlook on them changed. I no longer saw change as a threat, but rather an opportunity, like the quote says, to engage in life in a new way. in this life, we can’t control what happens to us, and I’m not saying that you should suddenly think that bad things are good for us, because I know that some of the changes of life, are very hard, raw, and real. what I am saying is that we can control how we react to changes, and that we have the ability to open our hearts and minds to the things that can stem from them. there can be a sprinkle of good in everything if we look hard enough, I promise.
change is good my friends. as we end 2022 and look forward to 2023, my prayer is that you would hold onto these words and that you get everything that you desire out of the new year…
with love and light,
sofia <3