half marathon happiness
hi everyone! today’s blog post is inspired by an anniversary of sorts, as it was one year ago today that I ran my second half marathon! it was a race in my hometown, taking runners though the heart of Brandon, Florida and then onto the Selmon Expressway - a major highway in my city! it was a beautiful day. looking back on that day, I’m full of joy, very thankful that I have so many photos from then. sometimes I forget that I’ve run these races, they’ve just become a part of my life. then I look back on my pictures and realize how big of a deal they are! the smile I don during racing doesn’t just signify being almost done with 13.1 miles, but rather how far I’ve come in my journey. this race signifies achievements, self-confidence, and community. this race signifies something all my own, a new lifestyle that I’ve built for myself. racing is so much more than just athletics for me! here’s to the day I can run 13.1 again... in the meantime, here are some helpful tips I’ve written to make you the best runner you can be!
Don’t let your training times discourage you if you have a goal finish time in mind. Running is very dynamic, something that can change daily for athletes! If you have a slow long run one weekend, don’t feel restricted by it! When race day comes, you’ll have adrenaline to give you a little speed boost, and all of your training will pay off! Your stride will take you where you need to go!
Take care of your body! Be sure not to overwork yourself during the brunt of the week, the long runs on the weekend is where the work gets put in! Between workouts, keep yourself hydrated and make sure to work out any tightness in muscles with stretching!
Keep post race recovery in mind. When you’re done your 13.1 miles, you can celebrate and give yourself and your muscles a break. Returning to strenuous workouts too quickly puts you at higher risk for injury! Take advantage of the rest time, allowing your body to heal. It’s actually funny, after my half marathons, I couldn’t wear sneakers for a while, it was cushioned Birkenstock’s only!
Hopefully these tips help you as a runner, whether you’re prepping for the big 13.1 or are just trying to make some improvements to your routine. That’s all for now, happy running my friends!